Successful Completion of the First Session of the OPIC “Medical Device Industry Leadership Talent Excellence Program”


On March 30th, in the perennially spring-like city of Guangzhou, the  first session of the “Medical Device Industry Leadership Talent  Excellence Program” (referred to as the “Excellence Program”) was  successfully launched by the Oriental Pan-Vascular Instrumentation  Innovation Academy (OPIC) at Shanghai University of Science and  Technology. This inaugural session brought together leading talents from  the industry to thoroughly explore all aspects of medical device  regulation and innovative industrial development.

Collaborative Efforts for Industry Growth and New Productive Forces

Academician Ge Junbo, Chairman of CCI and Director of the OPIC  Affairs Committee, spoke about the importance of integrating  acceleration factors into every link of innovation in the era of “new  productive forces.” This approach places higher demands on the  development prospects of each participant. The Excellence Program,  focusing on the pan-vascular sector, aims to foster organized,  clinically-oriented innovation alongside entrepreneurs and scientists.  Ge expressed his hope that the participants would identify clinical  needs and push forward the advancement of upstream scientific  technologies into the market, collaborating to create a thriving  ecosystem and collectively making strides in China’s medical device  industry.

He emphasized that medical device development should prioritize  patient care and that every phase of the process should be meticulously  managed. Regulation serves as the cornerstone for the industry’s steady  advancement and ensures standardized development. By collaborating  across various aspects of device development, an innovative environment  can be created that sustains long-term growth. Ge hopes that the first  cohort of participants will set a high standard, embrace their  entrepreneurial responsibilities, and work together to enhance and  strengthen China’s native medical device innovations, contributing to  the sector’s domestic and international progress.

Lectures and Discussions on Medical Device Regulation and Industry Development

Throughout the day, experts answered participants’ questions and  engaged in deep discussions on strategies for innovative device  regulation and the overall development of the industry. Topics included  how to navigate new regulatory environments and how to advance medical  device innovation. The lively discussions allowed participants to freely  express their unique insights, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas.


Private Board Meeting: Development Paths of Medical Devices - China vs. World

To fully engage the high-caliber participants, a private board  meeting was held with the theme “Development Paths of Medical Devices -  China vs. World.” The discussion aimed to explore potential  collaborative models, lessons that could be replicated or learned, and  suggestions that could support the innovative development of the  industry.

Specifically, the afternoon session focused on the current  opportunities and challenges in the medical device sector, strategies  for establishing a distinctive national brand under the “dual  circulation” economic model, and how to innovate autonomously in the  current environment. Participants also shared their views on how to  create a sustainable development model for the medical device industry.

The first session of the Excellence Program concluded with  participants eager for more. This session, centered on medical device  regulation and innovation, exceeded expectations with its combination of  expert lectures and discussions. As participants continue to engage and  learn, the program is expected to solidify a path for distinctive  cross-disciplinary innovation in medical engineering at Shanghai  University of Science and Technology’s Oriental Pan-Vascular  Instrumentation Innovation Academy.

Address: No. 516, Jungong Road, Shanghai
Telephone: 021-65067001
Copyright © Oriental Pan-Vascular Devices Innovation College,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology